We need your help now to ensure medical care and psychological support for our patients.
- $50 transports and feeds 5 staff members at a day-long health fair to provide basic primary care.
- $100 purchases three months of rice, pasta, vegetables, eggs, cooking oil, sugar, and other essential food items to 1 food-insecure member living with HIV, often used to provide sustenance for her/his/their children as well.
- $250 provides 50 confidential HIV tests, including pre- and post-counseling.
- $500 supports a month of a home visitor/health educator salary.
- $1,000 supplies reagents for 25 Viral Load tests and 25 CD4 tests necessary to monitor the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy.
- $2,500 improves and maintains the food production program, including chicken coops, tilapia pool, and vegetable gardens.
- $5,000 provides funds needed for capital improvements, such as solar panels to ensure medication and reagent safety during frequent power outages.