Several individuals, churches and NGOs work hard to support our services in Honduras. They include Direct Relief in Santa Barbara that provides donated medications and supplies and
St. Stephen’s, Belvedere where Sunday School children raise funds each year.
Last year, the St. Stephen’s effort procured enough money to build a tilapia pond and stock it with 300 baby fish. Recently our patients and staff enjoyed the first haul as our Honduras Executive Director, Pascual, describes:
We had our tilapia lunch last Saturday. It was a great FEAST, as you can see! We harvested 156 tilapias. Some were used for our 43 people who attended the self-support group that Saturday and the rest were sold to beneficiaries and neighbors who heard that tilapia would be sold at the clinic at a very inexpensive price.
The tilapia pond ensures we can feed our patients during our daily clinics and other activities. It also provides a revenue source supporting our self-sufficiency.
Denise Main, Pascual Torres and staffers Yolany Montufar and Delmy Medina in front of tilapia pond