Working with community partners and HIV+ members, we provide HIV education, counseling and testing activities and health fairs that are tailored to the groups most impacted by HIV and low access to health care. We have earned the trust of the communities with whom we work by engaging them as strategic partners in delivering high quality, compassionate, and adaptive services.
Our equity-driven approach prioritizes gay men, transgender women, commercial sex workers, Garifuna people, prisoners, soldiers, and people living on less than $1.90/day. We focus especially on women and girls. Our services include:
Nightly visits to the workplaces of commercial sex workers to educate about HIV resulting in the reduction of initial rates of 10% (over 20 years ago) to less than 0.5%
Distribution of condoms and informational materials at gay clubs, to commercial sex workers, and other vulnerable groups
Hosting health fairs in Garifuna communities who suffer discrimination due to their ethnicity
Providing educational talks to people living in unincorporated slums and the municipal dump that emphasize gender equity and domestic violence reduction